All the news that's fit to publish on the Web.
Current Linux/m68k Releases
As of today, the following versions of the
Linux/m68k kernel are "current":
- Linux/m68k 2.0.36, released 5 February 1999, is a stable 2.0
series release. Users of earlier versions should probably upgrade;
it's well worth it.
- Linux/m68k 2.2.10, released 19 July 1999, is a developmental release
(despite the 2.2 version number).
- Linux/m68k 2.4.5, released 5 June 2001, is an experimental
release. (More recent patches may be available in the linux-m68k
mailing list archives.)
These kernel source trees can be downloaded at Sunsite Denmark.
The current version numbers of the mainstream kernel can be found at
University's Linux Versions page. [Finland]
Changes at this site
The lowdown on what Emacs and I (in that order) decided to do to this
site, and when. On added and updated links, the links here normally
just point to the section of these pages where the addition/update was
- Apr 16, 2002: Added a new link to an installation guide for the
SE/30 to the distributions page.
- Oct 31, 2001: I finally got around to doing some updates on the
site. More work is forthcoming.
Chris Lawrence
(16 Apr 2002 at 02:26 CDT)