- comp.os.linux.m68k is the
main Usenet newsgroup for end-user discussions of the Linux/m68k
operating system. If you can't get this newsgroup, write a polite
email message to your site's Usenet News guru, asking pretty please.
- comp.unix.amiga also includes
some Linux/m68k discussion. It's the site of the most passionate
flamewars too. I particularly enjoy the ones over supporting new
- maus.os.linux68k is an
English/German language newsgroup available from many larger Internet
service providers in the USA. It includes a gateway from (but not to)
the Linux/m68k mailing list at lists.linux-m68k.org.
- If your native language isn't English or German, you can try your
language-specific Linux newsgroup. For example, French-speaking users
can use fr.comp.os.linux. You may
want to put [m68k] in brackets on the subject line if you have an
m68k-specific question.
- comp.os.linux.development.system is the main kernel and
device-driver newsgroup for all flavors of Linux. Keep your eyes out
for occasional discussion of the m68k port and other interesting
- Other comp.os.linux groups may have discussion relevant to
Linux/m68k at times, too. I subscribe to comp.os.linux.announce to get
the most important information.
Chris Lawrence
(04 May 1999 at 02:10 CDT)