[Registry] [Statistics] [Users] [Systems] [Internet] [Registration]

Linux/m68k Statistics

New: More than 2000 users!

Popularity index

Registered machines running Linux/m68k, starting at the registration site epoch (September 1995):

Popularity graph

User statistics

Registered Linux/m68k users sorted by country
Australia65 2.94%###
Austria20 0.90%#
Belgium34 1.54%##
Brazil9 0.41%#
Bulgaria1 0.05%#
Canada78 3.52%####
Chile2 0.09%#
Colombia1 0.05%#
Croatia3 0.14%#
Czech Republic23 1.04%##
Denmark39 1.76%##
Estonia1 0.05%#
Finland73 3.30%####
France141 6.37%#######
Gambia1 0.05%#
Germany430 19.42%####################
Great Britain (UK)2 0.09%#
Greece17 0.77%#
Greenland1 0.05%#
Hungary10 0.45%#
Indonesia1 0.05%#
Ireland7 0.32%#
Italy95 4.29%#####
Japan24 1.08%##
Latvia2 0.09%#
Lebanon1 0.05%#
Lithuania1 0.05%#
Luxembourg2 0.09%#
Malaysia1 0.05%#
Mexico8 0.36%#
Netherlands77 3.48%####
New Zealand10 0.45%#
Norway49 2.21%###
Poland52 2.35%###
Portugal14 0.63%#
Russian Federation8 0.36%#
Singapore1 0.05%#
Slovak Republic2 0.09%#
South Africa2 0.09%#
South Korea12 0.54%#
Spain31 1.40%##
Sweden122 5.51%######
Switzerland44 1.99%##
Taiwan1 0.05%#
Thailand1 0.05%#
Trinidad & Tobago1 0.05%#
Turkey7 0.32%#
Ukraine1 0.05%#
United Kingdom174 7.86%########
United States of America502 22.67%#######################
Yugoslavia6 0.27%#

System statistics


Registered Linux/m68k system platforms
Amiga1443 62.60%################################
Apollo4 0.17%#
Atari256 11.11%######
Custom12 0.52%#
HP 9000/30015 0.65%#
Macintosh497 21.56%###########
NeXT8 0.35%#
Q408 0.35%#
Sun 321 0.91%#
VME41 1.78%#


Linux/m68k CPUs
MC6802082 3.56%##
MC680301104 47.90%########################
MC68040750 32.54%#################
MC68060369 16.01%#########

Generic machine statistics

Linux/m68k: RAM and hard disk
Amount of system RAM (MB) 25.70160
Amount of disk space (MB) 2149.59220000


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[Registry] [Statistics] [Users] [Systems] [Internet] [Registration]
This page is maintained by Robert Ramiega. It was last modified on Wed Feb 16 16:42:04 CET 2000.
URL: http://www.linux-m68k.org/Registry/Statistics.html